7 Best Of Cash App Refund Time Best Resolution Image. In case a refund request with a merchant works out, the whole procedure usually takes up to ten business days. Also, if you wish, you can use your cash app to send money.
I wasn't sure if it posted my.bank account or.if.it went in to my cash app card. If the funds were sent from a credit card, the funds will be returned to the sender's card. If an instance occurs that you noticed you have not authorized a payment and you cannot cancel it through the app, it is recommended to immediately contact the cash app support to cancel the pending transaction.
I regularly send cash to two different recipients of whom i know personally.
Registering a cash app dispute doesn't guarantee you a 100% refund. Also, if you wish, you can use your cash app to send money. To do that, follow these steps: You can make money from anywhere, there are no complicated missions and best of all it’s an easy, quick and fun way to make a little extra cash!